Woodies Racing in Historic Deadwood // RDS 9&10 // 2022 Season

(Milaca, MN March 7th, 2022) - Raw speed and mechanicals were the game this past weekend in Deadwood, SD. If you follow Snocross you know that Deadwood is one of the most legendary tracks on the tour, from rowdy crowds to gnarly tracks to racing that will make your heart beat out of your chest this is the stop that has it all. Unseasonably warm weather this winter meant that the event had to be pushed out a month, in that time the town of Deadwood rallied together to make enough snow to be able to host us! Our riders really stepped it up this season coming in hot to the second half of the 2022 Snocross season.

Taven Woodie #873 - Pro Women

Taven had some series ups and downs in Deadwood, the speed was all there as we saw her take back to back wins in her first and second rounds on Friday but then right at the end of a thrilling final we saw her get into an incident with another right just after the finish line jump. She came back Saturday ready to fight, into the first round she took second followed by a 3rd in the second round of qualifying. This didn’t sit well with her, she left the trailer early for the final, walking, scoping out and studying the track. She came off the start hot, fighting for the Win and pushing herself to ride faster and harder. With only a handful of laps to go she got tangled up on a lapped rider who was dealing with a mechanical failure, which cost her the podium for the night. However she is so excited for this week to be racing her home track at ERX in Elk River, MN.

Dylan Roes #112 - Pro Lite

We really saw Dylan Roes step up this weekend showing off not only the speed he is capable of but also his ability to read the track and riders around him. Saturday is when we saw him shine, claiming a 2nd in round 2 and 2nd in the LQC. He pushed hard in the final, with surgical precision he worked his way up from a back-row start to 5th, he was absolutely charging until unfortunately, his sled faced a mechanical causing him to have to pull off the track and watch all of his hard work fade away.  With some luck and 3 more rounds this season we are confident he will stand on the box!

Trent Wittwer #115 - Pro

The Trent Wittwer we all know and cheer for is back and looking to show that he is a true competitor in the Pro class. He pulled out infront in Round 1 on Friday and walked away with the race, untouchable he claimed his first qualifying Win of the season. He qualified 6th in Round 2 and went into the final ready to rip, unfortunately halfway through he suffered a mechanical and had to sit most of the race out, limping the sled to the finish to try and get those precious points. Saturday was a new day taking back to back 6th place finishes in qualifying, then getting through the LCQ to a backrow start for the Pro Final, like Dylan before him he put the hammer down, working his way up through the field, pushing his body and equipment on the rough Deadwood track. Unfortunately he also suffered a mechanical which kept him sidelined until the end of the race. We can tell you one thing, after Deadwood we are going to be putting in overtime to ensure that our riders won’t have to deal with those issues again.

Max Fierek // Words & Media

Next Up - ERX


Woodies Racing Battles through illness at ERX // RDS 11&12 // 2022 Season


Woodies Racing Claims Another Gold in NY // RDS 7&8 // 2022 Season