Down but not out - Snocross Rounds 13 & 14

Milaca, MN (March 27th, 2023) - Injuries suck. There is no way around that. What counts is how you decide to deal with the injury and how you carry yourself after. At round 13 of the ISOC Amsoil Snocross Championship Series at Cannonsburg, MI this past weekend our Pro Woman rider Taven, unfortunately, injured her right knee while leading the final in her last lap. What makes a true athlete and ambassador for a sport though is the way she handled it, she did not throw a fit, place blame on others, or dramatize her situation. She finished her race claiming 2nd place, stood on the podium, and then thanked not only her team and sponsors but her competitors as well for a great race. Michigan brought a rough track that was not only hard on bodies but beat sleds up just as much. Down to the final races of the season, the Woodies Racing team pushed hard to collect and hold on to overall championship points!

Taven Woodie #873 - Pro Women

On Friday Taven was on fire Friday taking back-to-back wins in rounds 1 and 2, the rough track and big features really favored her riding style. She lined up for the final, fought her way through the pack into the first corner, and absolutely ran off with the lead! Lap after lap she only seemed to get faster, pulling away from the competition. With only half a lap to go she landed wrong and dislocated her knee simultaneously tearing her meniscus. She was able to stay on the sled and limp her way to the finish holding on to 2nd place. After a late night in the hospital things for the season were feeling dire… She woke up Saturday with every ambition to leave it all out on the track but after attempting practice the team realized that she would need to prioritize her health and Dubuque to keep her in contention for the Championship. She only took starts in rounds 1 & 2 but to everyone’s surprise, she made the call to try to race the final. She pushed as hard as she could with her injury and ultimately placed 8th, not half bad for someone who can barely walk! After discussion with her team, she has decided that this week every moment of time is going to be put into reducing the swelling, stabilization, and as much healing as possible in an effort to get her out on track in race shape this coming weekend for the season finale in Dubuque, IA.

Oskar Englund #339 - Pro Lite

Oskar faced some serious challenges in Michigan as well, on Friday as he made his way to practice his sled had a mechanical issue that forced him out of practice and our mechanics to pull apart his entire sled down to the engine. Round 1 was going well for him despite not having had the opportunity to practice until the “Belt eater corner” at the top of the claimed him as a victim. Round 2 however was much more successful for him, pushing his way into 5th. He made it through the LCQ putting him into the second row in the final where he ended up 13th. Saturday he ran 5th in round 1, 8th in round 2 and 8th in the final. With one final race of the year, Oskar knows it’s now or never and to make those dreams come true. For all the fans, you can expect rounds 15 & 16 to be truly wild!


Finale - Snocross Rounds 15 & 16


Hometrack & Happy - Snocross Rounds 11 & 12